Man’s weakness: God’s strenght.

But they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.(Isaiah 40:31)
Bless the LORD, O my soul, and all that is within me… Who satisfies you with good so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.- Psalm 103:1a.5.
It is not something strange when our strength fails us even as a youth. But there’s something about God, He does not faint or grow weary. He always supply strength unto His. Both physical and spiritual strength by His Spirit that dwells in us- Roman 8:10-11
Praise God.


MATTHEW 23:1-3 1 Then spake Jesus to the multitude, and to his disciples,2 Saying, The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat: 3 All therefore whatsoever they bid you observe, that observe and do; but do not ye after their works: for they say, and do not.

Of course, this could also be called, “Practice what you preach!” This week’s gospel reading gives us several directions in which to go. Humility would be another direction from the one I have chosen, but in our world today, it is so hard for children to distinguish right from wrong, that I settled on this topic.

Think of the difficulty today in teaching sexual morality to preteens and teens. I am appalled at many of the television programs that completely ignore the Scripture’s teachings and promote bed-hopping with no thought given to the damage this does psychologically to young people. Our children don’t see that there is anything wrong in that as “everybody does it these days.”

How many times have you heard parents swearing at their children for using foul language? Stealing is wrong, but it’s okay to bring home supplies from the office; lying is a sin, but I’m not going to tell you the truth if it gets me into trouble or makes you think less of me. Jesus called the scribes and Pharisees hypocrites. How we would hate to have that term used for us, but we all need to take stock once in a while and do a self-check. Am I a living example of how I want my children, my grandchildren, or others who know me as a Christian to live? If the answer is “no” then what can I do to make sure that what I say, I also do.

PRAYER:- Help me Lord to be a witness to your word. It can be hard at times, but give me the graces I need to be a “doer” that follows your commands. Amen.

Writer: Frances Taylor


There have been many online arguments on modesty,(I know I’m coming late to the show but I dislike arguments and so I steer clear till it has died down) even amongst Christians that has baffled me the most and takes me by surprise when a fellow sister in Christ writes something about yoga pants, leggings, and so many other topics on why they chose not to wear certain kinds of clothes and the next thing someone would want to do is bring them down because they feel offended that they’re being too righteous or taking things way over the top.
And so the topic modesty has been talked about and slammed against so much that even some young ladies think Modesty equates drab long and big clothes that just make one look ugly and boring.
I’d say such a person has been walking with or speaking with the wrong set of people.
And so while reading a blog sometime ago, I read about a young woman who talked about how her spirit was against wearing leggings as part of a clothing and all of a sudden, it was like the whole internet believers and unbelievers just lashed out against her.
But my issue wasn’t with the unbelievers because we all know the kind of spirit that rules the children of the world.
What made me really sad were the Christians and how they lacked love. I don’t support telling people, don’t wear this or wear that…
My own understanding of the whole issue is this: If we were all walking in Love as Christ commanded, then we would have less fights, we would skip foolish debates on what to wear and what not to wear and we would focus on our top priority of becoming like Christ.
How else do you explain the term “Dress to Kill” for someone who chooses to walk in Love?
Or a defensive response such as “I’m not responsible for any man’s lust, He’s the one who wants to stare at other people’s body parts.”
As much as I believe in God looks in the inside and not the outside, I also believe what’s inside reflects what’s outside.
Now, there’s no way I would push the blame on any young girl or lady for a man’s misbehavior because the man has the power over his feelings and not the other way around.
But what about those who don’t? What about that brother battling pornography internally, or is still trying to find his way to Christ? The world doesn’t care about them.
But we do!
An unbeliever can say what the heck! It’s his business, the world can do that. But not us who have decided to walk in the Love of Christ.
I get that each person is responsible for his own lust. Jesus goes further to state that, If a man looks upon a woman to lust after her, then he has committed adultery already with her in his heart.
But our roles as Christians who work in Love shouldn’t be the ‘I don’t care attitude.’ It has to be purposeful. It has to be in Love because our Christianity isn’t passive. We are to work on our salvation and dress in ways that pleases our Saviour.
Let me give the example of Judas in this scenario. He betrayed Jesus into the hands of the Scribes right? But we all know that it was appointed for Jesus to die on the cross for our sins.
But STILL, Judas was the route to that betrayal. Like Jesus said “It’s appointed for the Son of Man to be crucified but woe to the man through which he would be murdered.
The same applies here. The fact that a man has lust in his heart doesn’t give me liberty to dress anyhow I like. Even if he’s going to sin, I must not be the one through which he would fantasize about lust in his heart.
I remember talking to a friend about the clothes I got from the market. She saw a certain skirt on a colleague and asked me why I didn’t buy that type of skirt. I had to tell her pointblank that wearing a skirt like that would draw attention to a place I didn’t want attention drawn to and she was surprised. Yes she was a christian but she didn’t understand why I wouldn’t want to ‘show-off’ my ‘God-given’ assets when some desperately wished to have something like that.
I shook my head.
I made a choice that I was going to be governed by love. I really don’t understand what this ‘bum’ craze is about but in this lust filled and love deprived world, it shouldn’t be my motto.
It surprises me when we look to the world and its celebrities for how to dress when the wonderful counselor inside us has the answer. How can we decide to be like them when they operate by the world’s standards and even feed the world’s lust?
As Christians, those people shouldn’t even be on our list as role models and it baffles me when I hear this from young girls, even teenagers infact. When we should aim high and be like Jesus.
I want to be like Jesus and so therefore my choices of what to wear and what not will be based on this decision. The day you begin to dress purposefully and allow love decide what to wear and what not to wear, that day you have allowed Love rule. You have allowed Love take over and you can even help others.
Like I mentioned earlier, it’s not till you wear a garment that you’re decent.
I also believe each person’s mode of dressing can even be affected by the environment we grew up, the lives we lived in the past, etc but that’s why we have the HolySpirit to guide us because our flesh has no idea on how God’s standard really is.
What we may even think is his standard may not even be. And so as he begins to teach us, we begin to leave somethings behind because we’re beginning to have eyes like Jesus.. I know the number of skirts I’ve stopped wearing because it started to get too tight in certain areas and the last thing I need is attention in that area. I want people to see me and see me beyond what I carry. I want to be seen as the vessel I am and not a mere object because that’s how women are being portrayed these days.
And so, I believe each and every woman has been given liberty as God’s word tells us. There are certain clothes that are not even bad but the fact that it may weaken your brother’s conscience is food for thought. We are not selfish, we are not dull of hearing because we walk in Love. We aim to advertise Jesus in all we do and our dressing shouldn’t scream ‘Sexy’ as the world wants. We are not vessels of lust or destruction but instruments of peace and vessels of honour.
We don’t have to rob a bank to look classy and modest. Sometimes I even ask my tailor to make me something that I can combine with an English dress to add to my wardrobe if I happen to find clothes that don’t settle with my taste.
And that’s when creativity comes in as well. There are so many creative things we can do with our clothing and we still look beautiful in the midst of it all.
Next time you’re thinking of what to wear and what not to wear…, Just let Love lead as our motives would be judged on that.
Much love. xo!

Do not Fall in Love with a Smart, Introverted Man

You overlook him at first. He flies under the radar compared to other men. You’re not that attracted — he’s irritatingly intellectual, a total nerd, somewhat of a killjoy.

But you reconnect later. Maybe it’s days later, maybe it’s a year.

He reaches out because of something interesting you wrote. It’s your writing, it’s always your writing that draws them in.

He’s not your usual type, so you have no plans to fall in love.

You discover: he’s interesting, he’s fascinating, he might very well be a genius. When he talks about data sets, somehow it’s poetry to your ears. His hobbies are unexpected and wide-ranging: philosophy, fishing, tango.

He was a terrible student in high school, yet highly accomplished outside of it. Maybe he traveled across Europe for chess tournaments, or around the U.S. for tennis championships, or spent long hours sketching art in a black sketch book.

There was one teacher in particular that believed in him, and that made all the difference.

He’s extraordinarily successful, astonishingly well-connected. If he was bored in school, he’s been challenged like no other in his career. He has driven an original idea or ambition to completion, with a discipline and willpower you can only imagine, achieved what most humans could only dream of.

And yet the more successful and brilliant he is in a particular area, the more awkward and incompetent he is in the most basic of others: he forgets to eat, he can’t pick out his own clothes, he can’t boil an egg.

But you smile when you learn of these quirks. You find them endearing.

He finds himself talking to you a lot, telling you things he has never told anyone else. You both conclude this must mean your connection is special. He cares about his mom, and his brother or his sister, but he fought a lot with his dad. His dad was narcissistic and cruel, and it’s an emotional scar that still wounds him today.

He’s got a penchant for logic games, and he speaks multiple languages. French, German, Japanese — you will be entranced the first time you hear him speak another language, amazed by the worlds he floats effortlessly into that you could never know.

He’s a mathematician, analytical, an engineer, a hacker — but above all, he loves to solve problems. There’s no problem he can’t solve or won’t try. To hack his brain, simply suggest a hypothetical problem and watch his mind spin in search of a solution.

He admits that he works a lot, he doesn’t meet a lot of women, but he’s looking for the right woman: smart, driven, beautiful. Not one for online dating or apps, he hates dating, and he’s frustrated and clueless.

You’re puzzled as to why. There is an aura of mystique that surrounds him when you meet, a kind of power and presence in his energy that he isn’t even aware of, and that is exactly what makes him so intriguing.

He may unexpectedly sweep you off your feet with his depth, his intensity, his thoughtfulness. Watch him when he’s lost in thought, for that faraway yet intent look in his eyes.

Suddenly you will find yourself in love with this strange but brilliant man.

When it comes to smart, introverted men, you may very well be the only woman they have liked in awhile. Fatally shy, they may never ask you out.

But if they do, each and every one of them will be almost comically nervous around you. Their hearts will race like crazy the first time they hold your hand, walking along the city’s waterfront under a starlit night sky.

You will hear the same words over and over from them: You are amazing, you are beautiful, you are gorgeous. Your skin is so soft, you feel so good, we fit so well together.

They say that they love you and that they care a lot about you. Perhaps you decide, against your better judgment, yes, why not, you would like to go on a crazy journey together.

Congratulations: you will know a depth and intensity of a connection few would think possible.

Every time, it’s the little things that make you love him even more. He’s attentive to detail, gracefully anticipates your needs. Oddly neurotic in the strangest of ways: afraid of heights, of germs, sensitive to sounds. You’ve never met someone with his sleep patterns: he sleepwalks, he needs very little sleep, he’s out like a light.

Mostly, he just wants to make you happy. He loves to be with you, just to hear you talk.

You will laugh together, play together, dream up inspiring futures together. In the span of a few minutes, you can shift easily from giggling like silly 4-year-olds to discussing the troubling impact of AI on our species.

You’ll make love. You’ll fuck. Relax blissfully into each other’s arms. Lulled into a sense of home.

You will know a oneness that transcends worlds, and words.

One day, he will decide to leave you. It will be sudden and swift with no warning.

Troubled at last by doubt, terrified that committing any further will hurt you, triggered by personal traumas, he will decide, quietly, independently — because that is how he has solved every problem — that it’s over.

He’ll miss your insights. Your freewheeling conversations. But that’s it.

His willpower and discipline means you will never hear from him again. The linearity of his mind means he will conclude, like a logic game, you were not meant to be.

He will not look back, QED.

You will never really know why. You will be haunted for days, months, even years. Till the end of time.

When you meet such a man, do not fall in love. You will be demolished, devastated, systematically destroyed, yet again, by yet another smart, introverted man.

Every single time.

Written by Jennifer Lowe.

Who Killed Samson?

Who Killed Samson?
–Delilah or the Philistines?
–None of these options is correct.
–Permit me to tell you how
–Even if there were 10,000 Philistine soldiers, they couldn’t have defeated Samson.
–Do you know why? Samson’s strength was not of this world; it was divine.
–As long as no one can defeat GOD, no army could have defeated Samson no matter how strong or many
–Samson was raised a terror for the Philistines. He killed a lion with his bare hands, lifted the gate of a city on his shoulder and walked over 46 miles; he killed 300 Philistines soldiers with a jaw bone.
–What if he got a spear or sword?
–So, who killed Samson? The answer is Samson.
–Yes! Samson killed himself!
◇◆A man is his greatest enemy.
◆◇What an enemy cannot do to a man, he would do to himself.
◆◇Samson killed himself.
◆◇He delivered himself to the lap of Delilah and used his own mouth to tell the secret of his power.
–His life promised so much but delivered so little
–The Bible says:-
Proverbs 19:3 The foolishness of man perverteth his way: and his heart fretteth against the Lord .
–Nobody can ruin your life except you do with your own hands.
–Although you can blame it on GOD or parents or government, you’re the architect of your life; you are your greatest enemy.
–Even if your grandparents had done any evil, until you press the trigger it won’t explode on your face
–No Satan or witch has the power to destroy you no matter how much they hate you, you’re the only one who can kill yourself by your actions
–When the enemies try in vain to kill you, they lie in wait and allow you to kill yourself by your actions.
》》Goliath, the champion couldn’t hurt David but adultery destroyed his family.
》》The gentile nations couldn’t hurt Moses, but anger killed him.
》》When king Jeroboam stretched his hand against the prophet, his hand dried up; he couldn’t hurt him, but his own disobedience turned him to a prey for a lion.
–Your greatest enemy isn’t outside there, it’s in you. May God help us and deliver us from ourselves. Amen



My husband walked into the house looking dull….No hug, no kiss, no hello!
“He must have had a very rough day” I thought to myself
“After all, Abuja to Ijebu-Ode is a very long journey”
He went straight to His room, without uttering a word. (Dennis and I had separate rooms.) Though, we were free to sleep together in any of our rooms, I allowed him to rest and slept in my personal room instead.
By sunrise, I had prepared his favourite meal and set the table. Dennis came out of his room, fully dressed ready to hit the road.
“Hi Honey, hope you had a restful night?” I tried to engage him…He just nodded grudgingly, but did not say a word.
“Oh! How I miss his soft touch and his romantic style of greeting…the way he calls my name, kiss my face, and sometimes he gently lifts me off the ground”
Whistling, he simply carried his briefcase, picked his car keys and zoomed off without even tasting my food or saying goodbye. I was perturbed and dumbfounded. “What is wrong with this man?…. In our 8 years of marriage, I have never seen him like this. This is so strange!”
I managed to put myself together, as my son was already late for school. I served junior his breakfast and we set out for school.
On getting to school, I realised that I had forgotten the school’s bank teller at home. It was a new term and we needed to pay school fees. After sending the boy to his class, I went straight to the Admin block to pick up another teller, so as to pay my ward’s tuition.
“Good morning, madam Bridget, how may I help you ?”
“Good morning Mr Nelson.. Pls I need another bank teller so I can pay my son’s tuition. I left the previous teller at home.”
“But madam, didn’t your husband tell you?”
“My who?…My husband??… tell me what??”
“Madam, your husband was here yesterday around noon, he requested for a bank teller and made instant payment by transfer to our bank. He settled all your child’s bills.
“What!!!….You mean my husband was here yesterday?”
“Yes madam, he even spoke to the HM, you can confirm from her.”
“Mister Nelson, Are you okay at all? Do you know what you are saying?
“Yes Madam…Wait, let me quickly get you the details”
“Mister Nelson, you must be out of your mind! Why did you give him the teller, without directing him to me? Don’t you know that I am the one responsible for making payments? Why didn’t you call me to notify me first? You must be very stupid to commit such a blunder”
Gosh! I was very furious, I wanted to literarily tear him apart. I knew that His ignorance & negligence was going to cost me. Only that I didn’t know that it would cost me everything.
By this time, I had created a big scene in the school. Teachers/staff ran towards us from every direction. The shouts of “madam sorry”, “take it easy ma” filled the air.
I wanted to quickly do a damage control…I pulled away from the crowd, opened my bag, pulled out my phone to call my husband but his iPhone was switched.
While I was standing there, thinking of the next step to take, A call came in…it was My husband’s Travel Agent. He called to inform me that my husband had cancelled our flight and our travel plans for vacation (a seven nation tour around Europe). My husband has also asked that my passport be withheld until further notice. (He gave me the information in confidence)
Just when I was lamenting about my shattered dream of a sweet vacation with my husband….
My bank Account officer’s call came through, She informed me that my husband had pulled out from a major international business deal. The deal was at the final stage and my husband had earlier promised me that he would fund the project 100%. (I wanted to just enter the ground.)
Not quite five minutes after, My husband’s car dealer also called to inform me that my dream car would no longer be delivered as planned.
OMG! The bad news were just too much for me. Suddenly, My bones grew weak, my voice was gone, and my throat was very dry. (I thought I was having partial stroke)
I left the school premises feeling totally exposed /naked, dejected and heart broken. I sat down in the car and wept bitterly.
I didn’t realise that The little foxes can really mess up the big vines. My secret sins have finally caught up with me.
….What little foxes? What secret sins? Find out in Part 2.
Continued in part 2. (Find below)

Part 2 (The secret is out)
“Sitting in my car, even with the air conditioner set to the lowest temperature, I was sweating profusely.”
“I cannot forget in a hurry how I allowed my bestie, Tega, to brainwash me with her sweet talks. She often told me how she makes a lot of money (off her husband) from the house keep allowance, house help allowance, school fees, NEPA bills, estate security/maintenance bills, even at every opportunity she gets. (She calls it.. extra income for the “Super-Smart Big Gurls”)
Ever since Junior entered primary school, I made up my mind to become a super-smart big gurl….Since, I the one in charge of liaising with the school and sorting out everything about junior’s academics. It was very easy for me to cut corners. My husband usually sends the money to my account, He sends whatever amount I ask him to send for school fees. (Since he works outside the city and only comes home fortnightly)
While our son was in Primary 1 & 2, on many occasions, I collected up to 4 times the total amount requested by the school from my husband.
Now that our son is in primary 3…My husband called me to send details of the school bills to him. Even Yesterday morning, he asked me to confirm the details again to him via SMS or chat. He promised to send the money, latest today by 12 noon.
Though the total bill was just about one hundred thousand naira, I sent inflated figures to my husband, requesting for a sum of about half a million naira (about 5 times the real value.)
My husbands totally trusts me and doesn’t have any reasons to doubt me until now.
Eventually, I managed to put the car back on the road. (Though I wasn’t if I was the one driving the car…my heart was racing)
On getting home, fidgeting, I went to my husband’s room…there, lying on his table, I found a note written in my husband’s handwriting:

“Yesterday, I came home much earlier than you expected. I wanted to surprise you with a piece of property (a multilevel building) that I just acquired for you in central district of Abuja… Infact, I purchased the property IN YOUR NAME.
While I looking for a safe place in your room to put the building documents, I stumbled on junior’s school bill for this term. I also noticed that you have clearly doctored the bill. I didn’t believe it…so I gave you another chance to tell me the truth (when I asked you to confirm the bill again via chat, yesterday morning) but instead, you sent me exaggerated figures again.
I was forced to trace the school yesterday afternoon, just to confirm what you sent to me (Hoping that I was wrong about you)….only to discover that what you sent to me is way over and above what the school actually require.
I can’t believe that I have been living with a lying woman and a cheat. How am I sure that the one I call Junior, is even my son? When I get back to town, we will go for a #DNA #test.”
That was when I realised what Jesus meant when he said: “it is finished” ….my marriage of 8 years was completely finished!
I had betrayed my husband’s trust. How would I ever earn his trust again?
Even if he forgives me, Can he ever trust me again? Can I say I still have a marriage? Can this marriage still work?
I want all women (single & married) to learn from my story. No matter the freedom or freehand you are given…pls #don’t #abuse #it. It is the little foxes (of lying, hiding things) that spoil the vine of good relationships/marriage. Be faithful, loyal, open, truthful, and straight forward with your partner, in all things and at all times. You may not cheat by having extra marital affair but I hope you are not cheating in some other underground or silent ways?
Pls kindly share on all women platforms. (Tag the women in your life)
I look forward to reading your comments.
Thanks for reading through.
Written by Otulana Olufunso, the proud husband of Otulana Fayokemi (PFK).

How to make marriage/relationship work.

I have discovered that love doesn’t guarantee the success of a relationship. Love cannot help you stick to one person all years round, and on the other hand, cheating isn’t always a product of not loving your partner.

In fact, loving someone doesn’t guarantee not falling in love with someone else.
Relationships work out mostly because of our head not our heart.

It works out because of our emotional maturity, empathetic intelligence and self discipline because, time will come when you’ll see more beautiful, handsome, romantic, intelligent, sexy, rich, curvy and God fearing people than the one you’re in a relationship with.

In those times, love will not help you; self control will help you, emotional intelligence will come to your rescue and commitment will keep you going.

With those characteristics, no matter how you feel for someone else, the person you’re committed to will rank first in your life.

You think happily married people don’t see better people than the ones they married? You think they don’t feel funny sometimes? You think they don’t catch feelings? They do!

But understanding that commitment is greater than feelings is the great arsenal that do destroy that impulse.

You can fall in love with anyone, but building a relationship takes absolutely more than what attracted you to them and takes more than love.

We are too fond of loving when it’s convenient and sweet. We are too fond of loving when love is there but that can only last for just the first 3-6 months of the relationship.

After then, you’ll realise that the feelings have dropped, it’s now your responsibility to make it work, not love’s responsibility.

Relationships cannot be readymade. You have to build it and it’s never always about love, it requires commitment and intelligence.

On the long run in marriages, it’s not just love that keeps them together forever, it’s determination and commitment.

Everyone falls in love; it takes little or no effort to do that. But staying in love? Building a relationship? Only the strong and committed ones do that.

That’s why we must find that one person and commit to that one, discipline yourself bridle your emotions.

Building a relationship is hard work, it’s like building a career, It’s like pursuing a dream.

It’s always tough, at some point it will be so bitter but you can make it work by putting your heads together, you can scale through the trying time by being focus and committed.

The kind of love that attracts two people together is not the kind of love that will keep them together. Be emotionally strong and be self disciplined. Please share with the young adults, married couples and unmarried. God bless you all.


●Don’t shout at your wife when you are talking. It really hurts her. (Proverbs 15:1)
●Do not speak evil of her to anyone. Your wife will become who you call her. (Gen. 2:19)
●Do not share her love or affection with another woman. It is called Adultery. (Matt. 5:28)
●Never compare your wife to another woman. If the other woman was good for you, God would have given her to you. (2 Cor. 10:12)
●Don’t ever allow her to beg you for sex. She owns your body just as you own her body. (1 Cor. 7:5)
●Be gentle and accommodating. She has sacrificed so much to be with you. It hurts her deeply when you are hash and irritating. Be tender. (Eph. 4:2)
●Hide nothing from her. You are now one and she’s your helpmeet. Let there be no secret you are keeping from her. (Gen. 2:25)
●Do not make negative comment about her body. She risked her life and beauty to carry your babies. She is a living soul not just flesh and blood.
●Do not let her body determine her worth. Cherish and appreciate her even till old age. (Eph. 5:29)
●Never shout at her in the public and in private. If you have an issue to sort with her, do it in the privacy of your room. (Matt. 1:19)
●Thank and appreciate her for taking good care of you, the kids and the house. It is a great sacrifice she is making. (1 The 5:18)
●All women cannot cook the same way; appreciate your wife’s food. It is not easy to cook three meals a day, 365 days a year for several years. (Pro. 31:14)
●Never place your siblings before her. She is your wife. She is one with you. She must come before your family. (Gen. 2:24)
●Invest seriously in her spiritual growth. Buy books, tapes and any material that will edify her and strengthen her walk with God. That’s the best thing you can do for her. (Eph. 5:26)
●Spend time with her to do Bible study and pray. (James 5:16)
●Make time to play with her and enjoy her company. Remember when you are dead, she’s gonna be by your grave but your friends may be too busy to attend your funeral. (Ecc. 9:9)
●Never use money to manipulate or control her. All your money belongs to her. She is a joint heir with you of the grace of God. (1 Pet. 3:7)
●Do not expose her weakness. You will be exposing yourself too. Be a shield around her. (Eph. 5:30)
●Honour her parents and be kind to her siblings. (SOS 8:2)
●Never cease to tell her how much you love her all the days of her life. Women are never tired of hearing that. (Eph. 5:25)
●Grow to be like Christian ,That’s the only way you can be a good and godly husband. (Rom. 8:29) AMEN 👆

Image may contain: 1 person , outdoor

Are you ready

All the signs and happenings around us show that we are very close to the end of this world and rapture could happen anytime from now, are you really prepared? Anyone that misses rapture does it at his or her own peril .immediately the trumpet sounds anyone who misses the rapture has only one of these two options, (1) He/she surrenders himself/herself unto serious torture to death from the antichrist, if he still want to avoid been cast into hell fire (2) He/she will surrender to receive the mark of the antichrist and enjoy briefly with the antichrist which connotes that the person is lost forever and will be in hell fire for eternity revelation 13v8-11. So check your self today ,are you ready for rapture, it could be now as you are reading this message 1 corr 13v5. No matter who you are pastor, church worker, chorister, interpreter, Bible study and Sunday school teacher, evangelist, prophet, religious sinner, unbeliever etc . He will come like a thief in night, are you prepared? GET READY.



Philippians 2:19-21 says:
19 But I hope in the Lord Jesus to send Timothy to you shortly, so that I also may be encouraged when I learn of your condition .
20 For I have no one else of kindred spirit who will genuinely be concerned for your welfare.
21 For they all seek after their own interests, not those of Christ Jesus.

As we study God’s Word it is good to remember that men like Paul, Peter, and John were not only faced with trials from without but from within. There were Believers who seeked not after the things of the Lord (much like today) and made Paul’s ability to minister more difficult.

One of the most notable of those who left Paul was a fellow named Demas. Apparently he was with Paul at Rome.

Colossians 4:14 says:
Luke, the beloved physician, sends you his greetings, and also Demas.

But sometime latter, Demas left Paul. Paul mentions this in
2 Timothy 4:10
10 For Demas, having loved this present world, has deserted me and gone to Thessalonica.

So you see that this has been going on for sometime, however God does not want us to withdraw.

1 Timothy 6:12 tells us to:
Fight the good fight of faith ; take hold of the eternal life to which you were called, and you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.

Ephesians 6:10 says:
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. .

Galatians 6:10 says:
10 So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, and especially to those who are of the household of the faith.

Believers in Jesus Christ will experience heartache and disappointment when it comes to other believers and the unsaved, but we are not to get discouraged – God’s Word spoken through the Apostle Paul rings out.

Philippians 1:6 says:
For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.

Posted by Akinyemi Michael

Lullaby of Peace

Pebbles and Blessings Weekly Blog


The smell of death is pungent
dementia lurking in the shadows
the air is heavy but with a calmness
the torture will soon be over

Months of sadness give way to silence
eyes speak of better things to come
I hold her hand and sing of day
where memories of this shall be no more

A soft wind blows in fields of peace
gentle is the lullaby that calls her home
release my heart oh soul take flight
realm of glory eternal life


I have sat and held the hand of precious elderly, prayed in their ear when

their eyes could not open; when they no longer ate because the dementia told them they were already full.

I have sat and sang at the bedside of dear seniors and felt their last breath of life on my cheek as they crossed over into the realm of peace and no pain…

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